2 Jul 2019 by Bill Langler

It has been brought to our attention by Baseball NSW that there are still several players who remain unfinancial.

This is despite all Clubs being advised prior to the start of the season that as a minimum players must have paid their Baseball NSW fee to their Club prior to taking the field at the start of the season.

As such an audit will now be needed to determine which players did not satisfy these requirements. All clubs are required to submit full lists of players with their registration numbers and dates they paid their fees supported by Club bank statements or other evidence of payment.

Any player who was or remains unfinancial is not covered by insurance.

It is proposed that at the next Association meeting that any Club that allowed players to take the field whilst unfinancial will have the points for that game removed. Further any players who remain unfinancial and take the field will cause their team to forfeit the games from this weekend on.

The situation is frankly completely unacceptable and places us in breach of our obligations to Baseball NSW. We ask Clubs notify all players of these matters asap.

Bill Langler

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